We all have them, commitments. But what happens when you have too many? Or you do not have the right mindset to handle the ones you have before you taken on more? How do you respectfully decline a new commitment? What if it was a commitment you felt God leading you to do? Hmmm…
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20. Go and make. Instructions we all received when we claimed Christ as our Savior. How is it then that not all of us feel the nudge to “GO”. Hmmm…
“Teaching them” there are two words that give me pause. I am not a teacher. I find it nerve racking to teach. The pressure I put on myself is weighty and paralyzing. To prepare a lesson takes me weeks. By the time it is time to teach, I have not practiced, so I end up reading that lesson. (Epic fail!) Ill-prepared…. Hmmm…
Discipleship. “One who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another” that is the true definition of Discipleship. Spreading the doctrines of Christ, would be our definition. I accept the doctrines of Christ; however, I have no clue how to actually approach the “spreading” part. I am not a good speaker and it is out of my comfort zone. HMMM…
Moses enters. Here is a not so good speaker and one who was way out of his comfort zone. Pick any of Jesus’ Eleven, they were not speakers and were way out of the comfort zone when called to follow this man. And then Jesus did something for us all. He died. That part, we will all do. But He rose again AND walked the earth with his disciples, teaching and preparing them for what lies ahead of them. He prepared them for the journey, their journey. Hmmm….
If He prepared them, then surely, He will prepare us, right? I have been involved in a Monday night group for a year and a half. I have met some great ladies and had two GREAT teachers. But I find myself at a cross roads. I am faced with a new commitment that is coming from God. I am finding myself having to make a choice. Stay in my comfort zone OR step out. In stepping out, I will have more on my plate. More studying, more memorizing, more reading than I could handle. But in stepping out, I will find myself becoming something different, someone different. I will be instructed in the area I am weak, discipleship. I will be face to face with God on a daily basis.
I have been struggling to do what I want to do with my Monday nights & this new opportunity. Key words, I want to do. In writing this blog, God has spoken. So, it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to a group of ladies that have cared for me during my surgery & recovery. I say goodbye to the teachers that I have come to love. The reason I say goodbye is it is not fair to commit to two groups and only show up for one. It is not right to give all my heart & time to one, only show up to the other for a social aspect. In committing to discipleship, I have to give it all my focus.
I am excited do become a better …. Hmmm … to become a richer person. Richer in faith and in scripture. But also, richer understanding of the faith I cling to. Hmmm…
