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Writer's pictureCrystal


Weeping Willows are beautiful and graceful as they blow in the wind. Weeping Cherry Trees are equally beautiful but add delicate to their description. When the wind blows, their delicate flowers float down like big snowflakes.

Seasons come and seasons go. Four seasons. We all "like" certain seasons. You may be a Spring person--love all the flowers, but not care for the Winter. Me? I love Fall. I love the colors, the feel of the air and the smell of the falling leaves. (Yes, there is a smell about them.) My least favorite season is Summer. Yep, Summer. It's hot, there are bugs, there are tons of people and did I say it's hot? Yes, I am thankful I get to go to the lake along with ALL the other people (traffic heading to the lake on Fridays is a zoo).

Spring and Fall bring allergies to me and my house. But the joy of the colors makes it all worth getting outside. Most people would say Winter would be their least favorite. But I love it. You can not (and should not) take off enough clothes in public to get cool in the Summer. When I was young and skinny, I loved to burrow under the covers. Old house, cold house. On my bed I had your standard flat sheet, followed by either an electric blanket or a quilt, then a comforter, and sometime a quilt on top of that. Just the thought of all thoses covers makes me break out into a sweat now. But there was a safe security under all those covers (My Dad use to say all he could only see was a nose sticking out from all those covers). When it snowed on those rare occasions, I would hear my Mom say "It's snowing!" The word "snowing" had at least three syllables with the last one drawn out. When I moved, I was the one to call and say "It's snowing!" My Dad was always sarcastic and would say something like "No ____." But my Mom was always excited (thrilled). My in-laws never understood why I would call and telling them it was snowing. It was just my Mom that really understood (and Lester).

We all experience seasons with in our lives. Joy, happiness, sadness, depression, grief are all part of growing up and growing old. I have a season of weepy from time to time. It is not weeping, it is weepy. It is a feeling of I need to cry, a good purging cry. It is a season that watching "Beaches" is the cure. There are times that my season of weepy has no real explanation, while others I can usually figure it out. This season of weepy I understand.

I have felt this season coming for weeks. It is a combination of stress, weight loss & exercise. (Tip ladies, if you feel a weepy season coming--waterproof mascra, just saying.) Second year of college for one member of my family, last minute packing and last minute shopping makes for stress and a season of weepy. Until I touched a pair of earrings Sunday morning, I did not realize I was missing my Mom. I needed to talk to her.

No matter what I felt she did or did not do as I was growing up, she was my Mom. I desired a connection with her that I did not have. No matter how difficult our relationship was, I could always talk to her. (Mind you I got lectures because of those talks, but I could always talk.) She knew when I was angry or upset with her, I would not call for a couple of days. (Phones did not work both ways in this relationship.) What I miss the most about family is the conversations. I talked to my grandparents, parents and brother until the day they died. I loved talking to them, just hearing their voice made everything okay.

Ecclesiates 3:1-8 "For everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time for peace."

God tells us there is a season for everything; and yet, we seem to be so surprised when we experience our seasons. Psalm 56:8 "You have kept count of my tossings (wanderings); put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in you book?" is a picture of a caring God. He keeps up with our lives, counts our tears and collects them. He must have a HUGE bottle for my tears alone, they would fill the deepest sea. This is a caring and loving God. This is my creator, protector and friend.


"Hey Mom, I haven't talked to you in a while. Been busy getting someone ready to go back to college. Yes, we drove over on Friday night. We didn't get much sleep, she was up most of the night sick. We moved her in early the next day. Her room is smaller than last year and she has a shared bathroom. Only 4 girls, yeah kinda like mine when I was in college. No, we didn't get to meet her roommate. Her room is cute and comfy. Accent color is purple, no I didn't pick it, she did. Tell Daddy they don't allow screws or nails in the wall, I had to use command strips. She comes home Labor Day. They gave her a list of dates she had to be out of the house. Spirit week has started, then Recruitment starts after that. Excited to hear about it too. Well, I've talked your ear off. Tell Daddy I love him, love you too. Miss both of you...See you soon..."

Beautiful Weeping Cherry Tree

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