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Writer's pictureCrystal

Throw Back Memory

Ever have a memory pop up in your head that you just could not stop thinking about? I did this morning and it was strange. I had a song that I tried to write in my teenage years. I had a few lines, but just could not finish it. I gave up writing because of some meanness of others, so that song went unfinished.

Today after spending time in prayer while driving, the words of that song started playing in my head. I kept thinking about the words while driving home. What started all those years ago, seem to be rolling over in my mind. “In the still of the night, you come to me.” Those are the words that I wrote as a teenager.

It seems that it took a world crisis to make me think of those words. During the time I wrote that one sentence, I was going through a lot emotional stuff. God had become so important to me during this time, I just wanted to write Him a song. I had a melody playing in my head with those words going along with it. But I could never get any more to come, until today.

In the still of the night,

You come to me.

You still my fears

And Calm my soul.

That is the first verse. Seems like we all need our fears stilled and our souls calmed. Only God can do that. If we try, we only accomplish a distraction. We can distract ourselves for a minute or two; however, it takes faith in God to seek His peace.

In the still of the morning,

I come to you.

I seek your presence

And hear your voice.

Second verse is my quiet time. I love spending time in God’s word. I also love spending my quiet time outside in nature. I try to seek Him daily, but I do not always find Him. It is not that He is hiding, usually it is because I am too distracted to actually see that He is right there. But oh, when that stillness takes over and I feel Him and hear Him, what peace fills my soul.

Father, Creator,

Shepherd, King.

You are my everything.

Oh, the love I have for you

Is beyond my simple words can explain.

This is more of a chorus. It deserves to be repeated and repeated and repeated. We sing of the love of Jesus, but this is my echo to His love. With Good Friday approaching, it seems fitting to echo the love of our Savior. I cannot ever explain God’s love better than scripture. He gave His son to save me and you. No greater love than that. I cannot explain the emotions I feel at the thought of what Christ went through on the cross. Overwhelmed, humbled and awed all would be a good place to start.

There are two more verses to my poem that I will included at the bottom of my blog. I hope during this time of uncertainty, you will find some time to get alone with God. Read scripture that brings comfort (Psalm 23 is a good place to start). Listen for Him and watch for those little gifts He bestows on us. Thank Him for the rain, the sunrise, the sunset, whatever you are seeing that brings Him to mind.

Psalm 107:28-29 “Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.” Blessed assurance that God will calm the storms of life, we just have to call on Him.

In the still of the night,

You come to me.

You still my fears

And Calm my soul.

In the still of the morning,

I come to you.

I seek your presence

And hear your voice.

Father, Creator,

Shepherd, King.

You are my everything.

Oh, the love I have for you

Is beyond my simple words can explain.

In the still of the day,

You shower me with gifts.

The flowers, the bees, the skies and the trees,

The birds and their songs are all my gifts from You.

In the still of the night,

I come to You.

I come for shelter;

I come for peace.

I come for reassurance.

Yes, Lord, I come to thee.

Father, Creator,

Shepherd, King.

You are my everything.

Oh, the love I have for you

Is beyond my simple words can explain.

The cross puts a song in my heart

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