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Writer's pictureCrystal


Labels can be helpful, but what happens when those the labels are hurtful. Sometimes labels help us identify an issue, like Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Understanding ADD helps others understand the person who has it. But what if you just thought (or heard) they were lazy. The label of lazy hurts.

I was diagnosed with Adult ADD. I did not just magically have this disorder as an adult. I was labeled incorrectly until I was an adult. I heard things like lazy and stupid all my life. Imagine my surprise when I was finally diagnosed. I had heard that it was a boy’s issue, not a girl’s issue. When I told my Mother of the diagnosis, her comment was hurtful. Not supportive and deeply wounding.

Our words have the ability to build up or tear down. It is a choice we make every minute of the day. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” Here is where you have to make an internal question, “is my comment going to build someone up?” If not, then silence might be golden at this moment.

While I wish I could remove each false label you have attached to you, I cannot. But I can say that God can. He speaks truth into our lies. Finding scripture that speaks those truths is like a treasure hunt for your soul. What lies to you believe about yourself?

Having been shamed, I have many lies. I am super critical of my looks, my intelligence, and some of my abilities. I am somewhat negative about myself. (You don’t have to agree so loudly, my friend.) I think there are a lot of us that are. But what if you could see yourself through the eyes of you Savior? What if you could believe HIS words about you? Those labels would just slide off and fall to the ground. Satan wants you covered in those labels because they prevent us from seeing ourselves in Christ.

So, here is a small list of who you are in Christ:

Chosen…1 Peter 2:9, John 15:15

Saved…Romans 5:10-11, John 5:24

Forgiven…Ephesians 4:52, 1 John 1:9

Loved…Romans 8:37-39, 1 John 4:7-11

Adopted…Romans 8:15-17, Galatians 3:25-29

Heard…Jeremiah 29:12-13, 1 Peter 3:12

Appreciated…1 John 3:1, Zephaniah 3:17

Blessed…Psalm 1:1, Corinthians 9:8

Gifted…Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 4:10-11

Start you a list of your own. Who are you? Do you believed you are loved? I mean loveable, loving and truly loved? I hope you know you are and so much more!!

without labels these are just pretty jars

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Lila Diller
Lila Diller
Feb 18, 2021

Thank you for these uplifting labels. I know that God sees me in a good way, but I forget the specific words, especially when faced with negative labels all the time. I especially love "Adopted." He is our "Abba, Father"! <3


Sondra R. Smith
Sondra R. Smith
Feb 18, 2021

Love the perspective of truth that settles in our soul as we soak in God's word. Aren't we blessed in the way the Lord calls us! Recently I printed a list of 21 declarations ("Declaring the Truth of Your God-Given Identity" from Revelation Wellness; see also podcast#264 Fruitful Declarations) each has Scripture associated. It's a joy to consider this morning how * I'm free! *I'm of sound and clear mind. *I'm equipped for every good work. *I am his workmanship. *I am his delight. *I am his best friend ... and he is mine. :=) God bless you!

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